Инфекции мочевыделительной системы свиней, вызываемые Aerococcus viridans. Чувствительность к антибиотикам и молекулярная характеристика.


Aerococcus viridans — возбудитель инфекций человека и животных. Часто аэрококковые инфекции не диагностируются в силу неправильной идентификации возбудителя. С помощью молекулярных методов диагностировано 22 случая инфекций мочевыделительной системы (МВС) у свиней, вызванных Aerococcus viridans.

Aerococcus viridans has been reported as a human and animal pathogen causing urinary tract infection, arthritis, pneumonia, meningitis and endocarditis. Routinely, A. viridans is not surveyed in clinical diagnosis laboratories and commonly is misidentified as other bacteria. There is no concrete data on the prevalence and impact of the pathogen to both human and animal health. In the present study, we report the isolation and molecular and antibiotic susceptibility characterization of A. viridans strains from porcine urinary infections.

Identification of porcine urinary infection pathogen Aerococcus viridans

A total of 22 isolates were identified as A. viridans by MALDI-TOF MS and confirmed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Isolates were genotyped by single enzyme amplified fragments length polymorphism (SE-AFLP) that resulted in 19 clusters of which 81.2% were composed by single isolates. The high genetic heterogeneity corroborates previous studies and appears to be a particularity of A. viridans. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values also presented variability especially for ceftiofur, fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides. The high MICs of aminoglycosides, tetracyclines and macrolides seen among the A. viridans corroborate previous reports and the widespread veterinary usage of these antibiotics demand attention for the implication of A. viridans infection to both human and animal health.

Authors: Luisa Z. Moreno et al. Reference.

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