В статье обсуждается современное состояние разработки вакцин против инфекций рыб. В условиях промышленного разведения рыб (аквакультуры) вакцинация является необходимым условием обеспечения благополучия поголовья.
Preventive measures have become more and more important as part of biosecurity in agriculture and aquaculture. One reason for the favourable effect of vaccination in aquaculture is increased resistance to disease in both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, or so-called herd immunity.
Disease prevention based on stimulation of the immune system of the fish has become fundamental for the development of modern aquaculture. Competence in vaccinology is generally based on two sciences, microbiology and immunology. Recombinant vaccines and some vaccines against infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) are produced by molecular biological methods. Fish vaccines are primarily used for prevention and control of infectious diseases. Before using autogenous vaccines or non-licensed products in a farm, an assessment of benefits and risks is especially important.
Together with the scientific achievements in fish vaccinology, public demand for an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable aquaculture will contribute to further development of the global fish vaccine market.
Автор: Roar Gudding. Reference.